Product Designer | Biomedical Engineer


Human-Centered Design, Stakeholder Validation

Duke Global Design Challenge - Semi-Finalists


Skills: User Research, Design Thinking, Stakeholder Validation, Storytelling, Prototyping, Product Design and Development

Improper Vaccine Delivery

Improper Vaccine Delivery

Most vaccines need to be stored at a precise temperature range - usually 2 - 8 Celsius - in order to remain viable, but vaccine delivery systems in many developing countries fail to do so

International Partnership

International Partnership

In a collaborative venture between Duke and Makarere University in Uganda, I was on a joint student team (MEDVAC) that developed a human-centered solution to address vaccine delivery in Uganda which involved travel to Kampala to conduct user research and generate local stakeholder feedback

Our Idea

Our Idea

After discussions with governmental agencies, NGOs, and vaccine manufacturers, we realized the real need was obtaining real-time data for vaccine delivery, so we built an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that tracks vaccines by temperature and location